
Antenatal Package


Your pregnancy should be a time of joy and anticipation, getting to know your baby and preparing for their birth. However the Antenatal period can be full of anxiety and stress, things may not be going the way you’d planned, you might be finding your wishes don’t align with those of your care providers, you may find yourself on a “high risk” Pathway. You might just have more questions than answers.
I can walk this journey with you, a sounding board, a safe space, a cheerleader. My Antenatal package includes:

Debrief via phone after Midwife/consultant appointments.

Access to my resource library

Evidence based information tailored to your needs

3 x video calls or face to face sessions:

These can include - Preparing for baby discussions e.g. Initiation of breast/chest feeding. Normal newborn behaviour. The fourth trimester. Antenatal hand expression/ harvesting colostrum, and much more. Help creating a birth plan. Help creating a postnatal plan.

Printable Affirmations

E-book packed with information on Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

£300, payment plans available.


Full Package


***Birth support is currently unavailable until 2025***

We will have 3 Antenatal contacts to get to know each other better, discuss your birth choices, put together a birth plan and postnatal plan, and what ever else you feel is relevant to your birth experience. I will go on call 10 days before your Estimated Due Date and attend your birth at your birth place of choice, I will stay with you after your baby is born, until you are happy I’m no longer needed. We will have 3 postnatal contacts, where I can be a safe space to talk about your experiences, go through the normal biological needs of your baby, give support with feeding, managing expectations, light house work, help with slings, holding space for you to heal and rest. I am available throughout your pregnancy via whatsapp/text if you need me. I can source evidence based research and you will have access to my resource library, printable affirmations and my e-book full of information on Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

If you’re planing a home water birth, you can hire my pool at no extra charge.

Contact me for a free consultation


Postnatal Package


You’ve just had your baby, congratulations! Now what? Let me help you rest, heal, replenish and get that Oxytocin flowing. It can take time to adjust to life with a newborn, the fourth trimester is a significant time in your families life, my Postnatal package will allow you the space you need to honour it:

Labour and birth debrief - we can chat about your experience over a cup of tea in a safe space.

support with feeding in whatever form that takes.

light chores e.g food shopping, hoovering, washing dishes, prepare snacks\light meals etc.

I can hold the baby while you nap, eat, shower, have some alone time.

support with using a sling/baby carrier

access to my postnatal resource library

Signposting to further support if needed

Support via text/whatsapp/video call/phone

£25 per hour


Over night Postnatal Support

Ease into nights with a Newborn, understand what’s normal baby behaviour and learn how to lean into it, to make things more manageable for you while giving your baby everything they need.

12 hours of overnight support, once a week for the first 6 weeks

Time to offload, ask questions and debrief.

Time to bathe, eat, relax, go to bed early to catch up on sleep before baby’s first night time feed.

Support to set up a safe sleep environment.

Feeding support overnight, reassurance of normal newborn behaviour and help to resettle baby.

Breakfast prep and support to get set up for the day ahead.

£1400, payment plans available.

**N.B - I will not take the baby overnight and feed them, I will give you all the support you need to be able to confidently and restfully respond to all your baby’s night time needs

Birth Pool Hire


I will drop off the pool complete with accessories at 37 weeks and pick it up after the birth of your baby.

kit includes: pool, inflate pump, pool liner, sieve, thermometer, hose, a variety of tap adapters, water pump, slip mat and instruction booklet
N.B: Hose is standard length so you may need to buy your own if you need a longer hose.

hire cost £120